Saturday, July 12, 2008

baby session: sweet caroline

this was another special session held a few weeks ago in long island , new york. the little cutie is my niece, Caroline. she was 5 months old when the session was held. she is actually the 1st cousin of my other niece and adorable goddaughter, Amber. i guess cuteness runs in our family :-) click here to see to amber's sessions.

this was the longest session i have done so far and was so much fun. it was the 1st weekend of summer so my cousin had prepared a nice BBQ lunch at their backyard in between the session.
we had a couple of breaks in between too since the perfect time for her to be in a good mood was after she had taken a short nap. then right after she would wake up, her mom and i would be so busy trying make her show her smile. she was just so adorable every time she would flash her cute smile. :-)

to my cousin, alison and caroline ... thanks again for a great session and inviting us to your beautiful new home. thanks again too for the great BBQ! we are looking forward to more summer BBQs! i hope you like the photos and enjoy this sneak peek. have a nice summer weekend!

lots of love..

me and caroline :-)


Anonymous said...

Thanks Melanie...We had a great time! You really captured her personality! Alison

melanie d photography said...

thanks Alison! :-)

Anonymous said...

WOW! These pictures are great. She is the cutest!

Jess C

melanie d photography said...

thanks Jess! she is truly so adorable :-)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful collection of photos

Vernon and SaraJane David said...

Hey really great shots..Caroline's such a cutie pie.